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Competency Definition and Mapping
Training Function Audit
Setting up / Improving the Training Function

Experts Speak
“Take our 20 best people away, and I will tell you that Microsoft would become an unimportant company.”
Bill Gates

“The five steps in teaching an employee new skills are preparation, explanation, showing, observation and supervision.”
Bruce Barton

Home | What we can do for you | Employee Development | Training Function Audit

Training Function Audit - Taking Stock

You need to take a hard look at your training function if, despite investing a fair quantum, you are not getting the right returns. The reasons for sub-optimal output could be unclear objectives, sketchy or theoretical courseware, ineffective trainers or reluctant participants.

We help you drill down, by asking relevant questions such as - Who is responsible for training? Who develops the material? What examples and exercises are used in the courseware? What has been outsourced? How is effectiveness evaluated? What kind of incentives are given to ensure success? What is the culture of the organization from an organized learning perspective? and so on.

Our approach is to study the existing model, and the efficacy of different components of the model. We hold discussions with the Head of HR, the Head of Training, and the Heads of various Business Units, to understand what is working well and what is not. In addition to this, focus group discussions with select groups of employees at various levels are conducted to understand their perspective of both expectations of training and assessment of the efficacy of training. A select group of managers are also interviewed to get their perspective of the effectiveness of various training programs. Existing surveys such as ESAT, CSAT, and Training department’s analysis of feedback are analyzed, along with existing training processes.

The findings from these meetings and secondary sources are synthesized and compared with the best practices in the industry. Detailed recommendations are then made on how to improve training effectiveness.

  • Analysis of the existing model and processes
  • Strengths and areas for improvement
  • Industry best practices and specific recommendations
The CC advantage

A deep knowledge of both IT services delivery as well as technical and behavioral training enables us to bring a pragmatic approach that delivers business results
Want your training setup to scale along with your company’s growth? Here’s how.

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