Competency Catalysts
About us What we can do for you How we work
Leadership pipeline framework
360-degree instrument design and deployment
Leadership competency definition
Personal development planning and executive coaching

Experts Speak
If we keep going where we are going, we are going to get where we were going, not where we weren’t going, unless we go where we weren’t going, Then we will get where we are going Leonard Pray

Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.
Stephen Covey

Home | What we can do for you | Leadership Development | 360-degree feedback instrument design and deployment

360-degree feedback instrument design and deployment

A 360-degree feedback helps an employee get holistic feedback from multiple perspectives. This can be used by the employee to reflect about various behaviors and use this as an important input to decide on her/his change objectives Read More .

The design of the 360-degree instrument is critical to the success of the exercise. Each item in a 360-degree instrument has to be thought through carefully and must reflect the competency/value for which feedback needs to be obtained.

The approach Competency Catalysts takes is as follows : we understand the competencies and values through study of documents as well as 1-1 interviews. Then through an iterative process the instrument is designed. This is followed by a pilot and validation. It is then deployed either internally within the company or hosted externally.

  • 360-degree feedback instrument design, deployment and reports
  • Interpretation of the 360-degree report individually or in groups to ensure right understanding and reflection
The CC advantage
  • Experience in designing 360-degree instruments based on competency models and values
Case Studies

Infusing fresh perspective in the leadership team

Competency Assessment – An Approach

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