Competency Catalysts
About us What we can do for you How we work
Leadership pipeline framework
360-degree instrument design and deployment
Leadership competency definition
Personal development planning and executive coaching

Experts Speak
If we keep going where we are going, we are going to get where we were going, not where we weren’t going, unless we go where we weren’t going, Then we will get where we are going Leonard Pray

Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.
Stephen Covey

Home | What we can do for you | Leadership Development | Personal development planning and executive coaching

Personal Development Planning and Executive Coaching

Leadership development needs sustained effort. Many organizations go in for a primarily classroom based development which is a good start but is insufficient to groom leaders. A Personal Development Plan (PDP) based development framework helps ensure sustained effort and ownership.

In a PDP framework, a change objective is stated, followed by methods to achieve the change objective: attend a course, get mentored, observe self and others, pilot and experiment certain methods learnt in a course, etc. While developing the PDP and later while implementing the PDP, leaders need ongoing guidance and mentoring. For instance, while deciding on a change objective, it is essential to ensure that the leader has sufficient motivation to make the change. While implementing the PDP, the coach must ensure that the motivation is sustained and methods that did not work are dropped and alternative methods are explored.

  • PDP framework
The CC advantage
  • Necessary skills, tools and experience to work with leaders to prepare and implement robust PDPs
Case Studies
Infusing fresh perspective in the leadership team

Competency Assessment An Approach

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