Competency Catalysts
About us What we can do for you How we work
Leadership pipeline framework
360-degree instrument design and deployment
Leadership competency definition
Personal development planning and executive coaching

Experts Speak
If we keep going where we are going, we are going to get where we were going, not where we weren’t going, unless we go where we weren’t going, Then we will get where we are going Leonard Pray

Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.
Stephen Covey

Home | What we can do for you | Leadership Development | Leadership Competency Definition

Leadership Competency Definition

Each organization has to decide which leadership competencies are important for its leaders to be successful.

Competency Catalysts partners with an organization by first understanding the organization in great detail. This is done by examining its history, growth, culture, values, future aspirations, competition, differentiators, etc. Then we identify a list of leadership competencies that are likely to be important. Through a process of dialogue that involves listening, challenging, providing alternatives and demonstrating linkage to the organization's requirements, the leadership competencies are selected.

  • Detailed leadership competency definition with exemplars to ensure consistent understanding and expectations
The CC advantage
  • Expertise of having helped multiple companies, both large and small, define their leadership competencies
Case Studies

Infusing fresh perspective in the leadership team

Competency Assessment An Approach

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